Please join us, on Saturday, May 9, for an evening of short film and conversation. As part of the The Dissidents, the Displaced, and the Outliers curator Dorothy Santos will be presenting a selection of short documentaries and artistic works…
Please join us, on Saturday, May 9, for an evening of short film and conversation. As part of the The Dissidents, the Displaced, and the Outliers curator Dorothy Santos will be presenting a selection of short documentaries and artistic works…
Last Saturday’s Who We Be: Superpanel on Art, Protest and Racial Justice was an outstanding event. Big love and huge thanks to our panelists and the 237 or so folks in attendance. I realize now that in addition to super…
One of our panelists for tomorrow’s Who We Be: Superpanel on Art, Protest and Racial Justice, Christian L. Frock, had a wonderful article published in The Guardian today in preparation for our event: “What role does art have in a…
And KQED Arts:
In November 2013, the Art & Class Discussion Club invited 9.5 Theses on Art & Class author Ben Davis to San Francisco State University’s DocFilm Forum for a discussion of his work and the role of activism in art and…